Surprise, surprise! Politico is shocked to find out that the pro-Palestinian protests taking over college campuses are financially backed by George Soros and the Tides Foundation! Glenn, however, isn't as surprised. But he and Stu also review something they haven't heard before: An anti-Israel protester praising North Korea for training Palestinian fighters. And then, there was the protester who wanted to liberate not just Palestine, but the Congo ... and Hawaii and Puerto Rico. So, that leads Glenn and Stu to debate whether there are any other states besides Hawaii that we should get rid of. He has a few in mind ...
TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Well, let's say hello to my friendly chap, Stu. Hello, Stu.
STU: Hi, Glenn. How are you?
GLENN: Oh, my gosh. I'm great.
STU: Are you? Things are looking up?
GLENN: Wow. So great.
STU: Great. That's so great to hear. I was worried that things in the world were a bit of a downer. Not at all?
GLENN: No. Not at all. I have something really good. You're going to love this.
This is from politico. Pro Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source.
You're going to be so surprised.
STU: Chuck E. Cheese. I would be surprised if Chuck E. Cheese were behind them.
GLENN: No. Not Chuck E. Cheese. No.
STU: Wait.
GLENN: George Soros and the Tides Foundation.
GLENN: Yes. Yes.
STU: No!
I am surprised by that. Not quite as surprised as Chuck E. Cheese.
You know, every morning, I get up because I can't take NPR and the New York Times daily anymore.
So I listen to daily wire. And the update for daily wire.
And one of their reporters said, and people who give to -- like the Tides Foundation should make sure to tell them, that they don't want their money going -- no. That's the whole point of the Tides Foundation.
STU: To launder money.
GLENN: You're not giving money to -- I hope it goes to Mother Teresa. It's not going there.
STU: I mean, you can give money to whoever you want.
So there's no real reason to have to wish and hope and pray it goes to a specific place. You can just give the money to that place. If you want to hide where you're giving the money to --
GLENN: Well, what do you mean by that, Stu?
STU: Well, that's the setup of the Tides Foundation, and they're not alone, of course. There are organizations that do similar things, where you give to this general organization.
GLENN: You mean, like Act Red?
STU: Is there a Win Red? There's some other roughly equivalent organization with the color.
GLENN: Well, good. Quite honestly, good.
STU: They don't do the same stuff, of course.
GLENN: They're not fomenting revolution on the streets?
STU: Well, I don't know. Not here at least.
It's one of those things. Where you can give to a centralized place, maybe not have your name on a destination list. It's a very convenient thing. If you're supporting things that you maybe don't want to publicly announce that you're supporting.
GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
So some of the people. Susan and Nick Princer. You know who Nick is, right?
Hey, Nick. No? He's the heir to the Hyatt Hotel empire. So makes me want to go stay at a Hyatt right away.
Let's see. Also, George Soros. I like this one. The Jewish voice for peace.
Which is, they describe themselves as anti-Zionists. I'm trying to figure this out now.
I mean, just -- somebody help me. Just do the math. Do the math.
You're a enjoy. And the history of the Jews, is to be chased out of wherever it is you live.
And you can never really defend yourself, because you don't have a country. Okay?
There's no place to go, and every place that turns on you, takes away your guns and puts you in a camp and tries to kill you.
Now, for the first time since, oh, I don't know. 2000 years. You get a country.
And the world gives that country to you. Because its main -- its main objective is, you are free to defend yourself. And nobody is telling you, you know, go back to where you came from.
Okay? Now, you're a Jew. And you're against that.
Help me out on the math, because I can't seem to complete the numbers.
STU: It's a difficult one. You can be critical of an Israeli leadership, right? And still want the Jews to be alive.
GLENN: Right. Right.
STU: So you can be that. But being anti-Zionist, it's hard to know, exactly how that works out for the Jews. Not well in the past. We know that.
GLENN: So Rockefeller is giving significant grants to Jewish voice for peace.
Which blamed the October 7th attacks on Israel, and the United States.
So I don't know if you know that. We're so bad. We're so bad. We're so bad, we're even stealing the bad things that other people do. And claiming that they're ours.
That's how bad we are.
All right. So we have that. Now, the students at NYU. Let me see if we have this particular cut. I do believe we do.
Yes. Cut 45, please. Students at NYU.
Here's what they're chanting.
STU: I can't wait for a new chant. I hope it's something new. I hope it's something we have.
GLENN: I don't think so.
STU: Oh, really? That's always exciting.
VOICE: Which idea do you think North Korea support, Palestine or Israel? Just guess.
VOICE: Palestine.
VOICE: It is Palestine.
It actually never recognized the state of Israel. They have always upheld the right of Palestinian people to self-determination and resistance.
And this is beyond moral and rhetorical support. They've actively armed and trained --
GLENN: Yeah. North Korea. North Korea.
VOICE: -- have trained troops by the DPRK.
STU: This is the second one of these I've seen. People just sitting there. And she's reading this, by the way. Not as much chant unfortunately.
GLENN: This is crazy!
Yeah, I know.
STU: But you have to come up with something a little more catchy than that. But she is -- that has to be a North Korean operative. Right?
GLENN: Or -- or a Columbia University student, that otherwise known as a complete and total dolt.
STU: Yes. I would agree with that. That's the second one I would see in these protests.
Not talking about the Palestinians. Particularly praising North Korea for the reference. Oppressive regimes in the world.
GLENN: It's time for non-drag queen story hour, okay?
Where the non-drag queen comes out and says, listen, kids. North Korea, they starve their own people.
Really bad. Concentration camps. You know, that kind of thing.
Throwing babies up in the air. Seeing, who can catch it with a sword. North Korea.
Well, I learned a lot from that non-drag queen story hour. How about you, Stu?
Sounds like North Korea. Bad place. How -- how -- how is this person with a straight face really saying, North Korea?
And you know whose side they are on? Yeah. Our side. North Korea is on our side. They're even training people. I mean, they're with us.
Who could stand against us?
Oh, I don't know. All the forces of good.
STU: Imagine advocating for -- I mean, that person is not even advocating for the Palestinian cause.
It's more of trying to win people who already support the Palestinian cause, over to the North Korean cause, which is fascinating. But imagine wanting to be on that side of any debate. This isn't even like the high-minded like olden days of Cuba or something.
GLENN: No. This is --
STU: This is north freaking Korea.
GLENN: We know what they do.
STU: This is one of the most oppressive regimes -- probably the most repressive regime on earth.
But I think China is -- China is at least, has people in their country.
GLENN: Who are not starving.
STU: Or who are wealthy. Right?
They do international business. North Korea does none of this. Everything in their country is controlled by this one family. And this is the mace that won't even give like basic surgeries out to their people. That doctors have to come across the border, to give them basic things like cataract surgeries. They all think they're blind for life. When these basic surgeries would cure them.
North Korea is the worst of the worst.
Now that's the argument they're making?
I like being on the opposite side of that.
GLENN: You know, it's kind of -- people who say, you're on the wrong side of history. What do they know?
Well, in this case, I think we could say, pretty certain. North Korea is never going to be looked at like, you know, those guys were really great. Back in the day, those guys were really great.
STU: Yeah. It would be surprising how this turns out.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Here's another one I think you will really enjoy. Why are you out protesting today?
VOICE: Because I want to see an empire fall!
VOICE: What empire?
VOICE: From the US to Israel, the empire that's propped up by capitalism.
STU: Oh, shocking.
VOICE: Free Palestine. Free Congo. Free Sudan. Free Haiti. Free Hawaii --
GLENN: Wait. Wait. Free Hawaii. Free Puerto Rico.
STU: Yeah, I'm worried about the freedom of Hawaii right now. It's a huge issue. And Puerto Rico.
GLENN: I know. You know, honestly, if Hawaii knows want Hawaii back. I'm cool with that.
STU: It's pretty awesome. I kind of like it. It rounds out our country a little bit. It's like when you have a delicious meal and there's just a little bit of garnish on top. Kind of rounds it out. I feel like that's Hawaii for us.
GLENN: Are you saying -- this is kind of like a DEI thing, we have to keep it in, to keep our diversity?
STU: No, I think it improves the recipe a little bit of our country. You know, you get this great island. You get to go on vacations there.
GLENN: Right. Right.
But we did kind of just, hey. Nice island you have here. It's ours. And I have no problem giving it back.
I really don't.
STU: You just --
GLENN: No. I have no problem.
STU: What about the military bases we have there. They'll rent them to us? Well, that's a unique proposal. You want to go to the 49 states. What about Alaska?
GLENN: No. Alaska stays.
STU: You want Alaska over Hawaii, why?
GLENN: Absolutely. Because some day we can drill for all the oil and rare earth minerals.
STU: You're saying that Hawaii just gives us tourism, not enough to fight for it.
GLENN: I mean, yeah. Colonialism, not willing to fight for it. You know, Hawaii, not willing to fight for it. Really not. Really not.
STU: Hmm. But you won Alaska. It's a lot of land. It's a lot of land.
GLENN: Yeah. It's a lot of land. We won't give that one up. That's kind of like Texas to me. Texas. Alaska. Nope!
STU: Really?
We need to turn something else into a state. You can't go 49. You have to go to a round number.
GLENN: How about we go to 48. Why are you going up. Let's go down.
STU: Well, I want a round number.
I have to knock out four or five. At least 4 to get me to 45. Or 40.
I mean, we can do that. We can knock out --
GLENN: Why not 48?
STU: Because it's not a round number. Am I not saying these words out loud? I keep hearing them in my head. Am I saying a round number out loud? I want a round number of states. Okay? That's what I want.
GLENN: That's a stupid rule.
That's a stupid, stupid rule.
I can cut ten. I can cut ten easy.
STU: You can cut ten easy.
GLENN: New York. New York.
STU: Okay. This is going to help. Every time we list states that we don't want in the union. This works out well.
GLENN: New York. Massachusetts. Oregon. Washington. California.
New Mexico, really doesn't do anything for us.
It's just kind of there.
STU: Really, breaking bad. That was a great series.
GLENN: Yeah. But it wasn't really filmed there.
STU: I thought it was. I think it was, but you can film stuff there.
GLENN: Then I balance it out with radiation. You know, the whole dump.
You know, with every place. Every community needs a dump.
And so maybe we keep New Mexico.
Just based on, we need a dump. Okay?
STU: That's quite an analysis of the beautiful terrain.
GLENN: Well, it is beautiful. It's the nicest looking dump I've ever seen.
STU: Okay. All right. Uh-huh.
GLENN: I'm not saying we dump our garbage there.
I'm saying we dump our nuclear waste there. Not the -- the same as garbage.
That's expensive waste. That's like waste from rich people.
STU: So you can get me to 40. You don't want to go to 50. No interest to 50.
Wasn't there a split to Idaho. Part of Idaho wanting to pull out. Or Oregon wanting to pull out.
GLENN: Yeah. Oregon.
No. That was just going to become part of Idaho. Half of Oregon was like, you people are crazy.
And they were like, I would rather be the potato people.
STU: What about east Oregon, get you a new state. Get you to 50.
You get two more senators from a conservative state there, doing it that way.
GLENN: No. Because then they'll demand Puerto Rico. No, we freed Puerto Rico. Right? Of course we have.
And --
STU: I didn't know that.
GLENN: And I think we've also evacuated the dump called Washington, DC. That's where we keep our dump. That's where we're like. Hey, all our garbage goes to the District of Columbia. And our prisoners.
STU: That would be interesting. And the prisoners. This is a good idea.
Because too big.
First of all, Washington it can't. Very liberal.
Two proposals, they're very interested in.
Number one is freeing customers, right?
They always want prisoners free. They always say the prisoner industrial complex.
So free them. But they all go to DC.
Right. You're allowed to walk around in DC.
Except for the hardened prisoners. We just lock the front doors, and the front doors and the back doors and the side doors. The hard criminals have to stay there.
STU: Yeah. Yeah.
GLENN: Okay. But everybody else has to walk around.
STU: And then the trash, you know, they're always worried about the environment.
I mean, what better motivator to help clean up all the trash problem. Then all the trash goes directly to Washington, DC.
GLENN: Amen, brother.